Wednesday, December 31, 2008


On the 30th of December 2008 around 2:30pm, it was a gloomy Tuesday i still remember... Whereby i was keeping some grocery stuff at my shop...


Since my shop is consider as the closest building to the main road... so without wasting anytime i rushed there to check whether the driver is alive or not because i knew there is an accident happened already, and it is a BIG 1...

Ofcourse, that time i didn't bring my handphone along so these pictures were taken after i saw the driver was standing outside the container truck.

Yeah it is a CONTAINER TRUCK that hit the separator of the road that made of CONCRETE! The Yellow Shirt guy is the truck driver who's still ALIVE...
Normally this corner is quite crooky and due to the it is a DOUBLE LANE here, so normally most of the cars will transform into F1 cars here...
Unfortunately this driver i guess he forgot that he was driving a CONTAINER TRUCK, so this is what happened when you syok sendiri...

I guess you guys sure been hearing things like when you are driving in some kampung area drive slow...because whenever you hit something the WHOLE VILLAGERS will come out and try to find out what THIS!

Apart from that, those Chinese Aunty, not only chinese actually....they got this culture:
Whenever these is accident happened, they wont ask how is the driver or what...they will ask
"Apa nombor ??"
Then they will hope that the 4 magical digits will come out from the newspaper on Thursday.
The poor driver who was keeping all those documents and some malay kids go sibuk with their half-naked body...
Actually this driver got a bit skill on how to control the accident to be happened...
Luckily his truck turn over at the middle of the road but not the opposite road or his own lane...
Because if he did that then this accident wont be just a single "Booong!" but some echo behind...
Forgot to mention that the otherside of the lorry (which is the place where i took this pic) is a BUS STOP!
And this is the AUNTY that saw the whole process....she said when she saw the lorry turn over like this she quickly hide behind the bus stop already.

By the way, she was so excited when she telling me about the can see she was SMILLING that time.
p/s: Alloh, aunty ar..if the lorry hit the bus stop you hide behind the bus stop also useless lar...

If you see it clearly, you can see how long did the truck trying to DRIFT over the corner...

...that end up lying down on the road!Actually those police officers they came after 30 mins which is VERY SLOW !!!
This is because the opposite road actually is a big corner too, so it is very dangerous when nobody is controlling the situation when this gigantic truck was resting there.

Since after this i went out edi, but they said there was a fire engine came and spray the whole truck before they "HANG" it up...

~Reported by : Mr.SS~

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